OP1791 C04

INR 2950

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COD Not Available


The rectangle Opium Polarizer Brown sunglasses are as unconventional as unconventional gets. A recent favourite (that\'s promises to stay this way for a long time), these frames add to the natural angles of your face, making you look edgy in more ways than one. Hydrophobic translates to ‘hates water’. Just like how these lenses hate moisture, they hate dust with a vengeance too. By repelling dust, dirt and all things eww, hydrophobic lenses stay scratch-free for longer periods of time giving you clearer vision and long-lasting sunglasses. These lenses dislike oil more than a gym freak. By repelling sweat and oil, these lenses stay cleaner, giving you clearer vision. Dose up on your hair creams and oils without worry. Oleophobic lenses won’t reduce the drip across your face but promise to keep it away from your sunglasses. Staying true to their name, these lenses repel everything but crystal-clear vision. Their anti-static nature doesn’t allow dirt and dust to stick to their bodies, giving you minimal risk of scratches and blur-free vision, thus making your sunglasses a trusty partner for years to come.

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